Sunday 1 March 2015

Room to grow

Confession time: I am not a widget kind-of person. Nor am I a domain name, permalink, nor flavicon kind-of person either, for that matter. In order to build the website, I am searching through old emails for my FTP,  Server IP, and Nameserver 1 and 2! GreenGeeks made it all seem so easy until they had my money. Now I have to find the courage to phone them and try again today. But on I go.

I can't help it, Anne Taintor graphics just make me smile!

Unfortunately, this weekend, I made a promise to build the website and get it hobbling around the internet. To build my own website and blog page and even to create a business profile for Facebook is taking all the guts I have. I have to keep pushing against my fears and fight the urge to keep procrastinating. I like the graphic below because it sums up so much of what life is about: do we stay doing what we have always done, or do we try something new that both scares and exhilarates us?

Here is the honest truth: I have no business trying to do any of these computer things. Regardless of that fact, here I am, trying. And I encourage any of you wondering about it to go ahead and do it -- whatever it is. You will learn something valuable about yourself.

I am not alone, however. I do have two patient little buddies who depend upon me. I mean, look at those two patient little faces! Are they not adorable?

These are my babies: Molly (l) and Bella (r).
This picture of my two babies shows you what I am up against every day. They are so lacking in affection right now, because of my fiddling with the computer, that they are actually touching each other. I ran to get the camera to document this historic event. Because I'll let you in on a secret: Bella is just not that kind of girl! 

One thing I did manage to do over the last couple of days was to clear space on my sewing table. I am ready to finally finish a quilt I had pieced about four years ago. It is the first real quilt I made on my own and it just makes me smile. Definitely the first time I tried to sew points that met each other where they are supposed to. (Another confession: I started a log-cabin quilt for my son about 25 years ago. I finished it about 8 years ago! It's alright. It was a start.)

Getting it ready to baste together for some hand-quilting.
This fabric, Strawberry Fields, designed by Joanna Figueroa at Fig Tree & Co. reminds me of warm summer picnics. My Grandmother's picnic spread included macaroni noodle salad, potato salad, deviled eggs sprinkled with paprika, a big ham shank, and strawberry shortcakes made with her secret buttermilk biscuit recipe.

Isn't it pretty? I wish I had more!
I decided I'm going to use a stipple pattern for the hand-quilting to mimic the meanderings of ants. I may even embroider a couple of little ants and lady bugs on it just for fun. Having my hands working with fabric is so soothing. Handwork really connects me to something vital and intimate about the creative process.

Looks like an ant joined the picnic, don't you think?
Have a beautiful day! 
Sandy xo

ps - Do let me know about your current projects. I'd really like to know what your quilting adventures are like.What challenges are you ready to face?

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